oh crikey...have not been on here in a while. sorry blog. afraid I've been too busy looking at pictures of dogs with eggs. here is one. will post more when I have time away from working my ass off for minimum wage. life as a graduate is sweet as a nut!
Monday, 3 August 2009
Sunday, 17 May 2009
Evening Tweed are a collective born out of the mutual interests of 3 guys and one gal studying within the same environment on the Graphic Design course at Brighton University. Having a slight penchant for hand rendered lettering Sarah King is my particular fave out of the bunch. Integrating her own hand lettering style to every brief she tackles. How the jiggins she does this I do not know? Great to see that she has stuck to her guns and managed to find a way to apply herself regardless of the nature of her client. I have noticed that the slick development and honing of her skills has allowed for commissions to have arisen with 'the Guardian' and 'If I Could.' Quite interested in the way that she entered into a three dimensional format by applying her lettering to fruit in her 'customise' series as featured in Graphic Magazine.
Marcus Oakley
Marcus Oakley has been one of my favourite illustrators, for quite some time and his new packaging for Grub pies is a great example as to how his illustrations can be applied to the more functional packaging design. Working for clients that reflect his interests in underground skate culture, and 1960s ephemera he has designed work for the likes of silas, howies, and human empire. His illustrations have predominantly adorned t shirts and printed clothing. Having exhibited fairly broadly and frequently across the UK he cites this as one of the main attributes of his success. I love how he integrates his interests into his illustrations, imbuing it with a real retro feel, particularly to his 'people' that frequent quite often in his work.
A much needed weekend of disconnection in Wales allowed for a little bit of relaxing papercraft. Cutting and sticking I produced this decorative bunting which now adorn my wardrobe brightening up the rather dull corner of the room. Thanks Mr Rob Ryan for integrating delicate papercrafting techniques back into the mainstream. And thanks to the guys at the Joyful Bewilderment show for spreading a little bit of happiness. I think that these are rather happy no?
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Neither will this...
Guy Grieve
Saturday, 9 May 2009
This picture is ruining my blog
Sunday, 3 May 2009
Wednesday, 29 April 2009
Sing for your Supper
Monday, 27 April 2009
Thursday, 23 April 2009
Sophie Dahl's literary skills
I have never found the way that Sophie Dahl executes herself in her fictional writing to be particularly comprehensive. Sadly I don't feel that she inherited the literacy skill of her late Grandfather, but although lacking in dexterity there is just a certain air of nostalgia and charm about her subject content that still allows for the reading of her work to be a pleasurable experience. Working predominantely as an author of books aimed at the childrens market she wrote an article in a high end glossy a few months ago retelling a favourite childhood game. A mass amalgamation of fantasy, a flurry of excitement and make believe, I am as equally enamored by her ability to remember tales of her youth with such a level of clarity as I am jealous of the seemingly endless endeavours she had.
Sunday, 19 April 2009
Bookbinding workshop
Saturday, 18 April 2009
Long live casio
This is my casio. A trusty and handy companion, as well as unfortunately labeling me as an art student, it also manages to provide me with the opportunity to arrive on time to the occasional engagement. It was a present from my Father offered due to its practical usage. As one of the most unostentatious men I know it is his watch of choice (he however has little awareness of its growing popularity amongst previously mentioned art students) and he purchased it quite simply as it 'does everything you need a watch to do.' Having worn his for so long, one day the battery simply gave up meaning that it was sent to the watch shop for a replacement. As children we were unaware as to why one would send a watch to be repaired when the bill would outway the cost of a new watch. My Father was equally puzzled by our bafflement and could not quite get his head around the idea of purchasing a new watch when he already had a perfectly functioning one (albeit minus a battery.) It is only recently that I am starting to understand. And so, to this day I sport my £9.99 casio with its necessary functions with a level of pride unmatched by any other superior or more expensive watch.
Tuesday, 7 April 2009
Conquering Photoshop
I am starting to realise how much my lack of capabilities regarding Adobe Creative suite has been affecting my creative development. With some very kind early morning tuition from the guys in the Mac Suite I have started to master (and I use that word in the most loosest of terms) Photoshop. The last one on my list, but unfortunately, it seems the one most useful. I am currently working on my sustainability project and am tackling the promotion of seasonal veggies. I don't know where this is going (sometimes that is a joy) but here's today's Photoshop progress so far. Not great, but maybe a step in the right direction...at least I hope.
Monday, 6 April 2009
Sunday, 5 April 2009
I recently finished a wedding package for some friends. What was intended to be a short project lasting only a few days ended up spanning around three weeks, but alas, they are completed and I can finally move on with my life. It may not be one of the most intellectually stimulating of projects but if anything it gave me a little practice in fine tuning the art of screen printing what with my silly attempt to integrate 12 colours. Oh well, lessons can only be learnt by making mistakes!
I am afraid that I cannot take the credit for this discovery as I found it through a fellow bloggers website. These photographs from varying sources are gathered and collated by 'superbomba' and displayed on her flickr site. I love their sheer honesty. They present a dewy idyllic snippet of life in a past era. Click here to have a look at the full collection.